• Welcome To the Wheeling Wheelmen

    The Wheeling Wheelmen Bicycle Club founded by Phyllis Harmon, had its first meeting on April 26, 1970 with over 100 members in attendance. Since that time, the club at one time grew to almost 300 men and women serving the Northwest Chicagoland area with organized rides, social outings, informative meetings, bicycle advocacy, and a lot of friendship.

  • Strava and Wheeling Wheelmen

    You have to be an active Wheeling Wheelmen member in order to access the Wheeling Wheelmen Strava group.
  • 2025 Wheeling Wheelmen St. Pat's Ride

    We again had a successful St. Pat's ride this year despite the cold and windy weather. 92 riders braved the elements and finished at least one of two routes. Thank you all for showing up and we hope to see you again next year. However we cannot guarantee warmer weather !!.

    A big THANK YOU to all volunteers for their dedication, time and not least their treats, which was enjoyed by all riders.

  • Below is the list of the 2025 Elected Officers

    • President:Keith Carlson
    • Vice President and Ride Chair:Open Position
    • Treasurer:Johannes Smits
    • Secretary:Ella Shields
    • Membership Officer:Emily Qualich
    • Publicity Chair:Tania McCarthy
  • Wheeling Wheelmen club rides are done in a 'ride at your own pace' format. Cue sheets are provided so that, depending on who shows up, riders of similar riding ability can get together and ride at a pace that works best for them.

    Most rides will have anywhere from 5 to 25 riders. Almost all rides have rest stops where riders can re-group if they want.

    Club rides leave at the posted time. Check the ride start times and arrive early enough to set up your bike, sign in, get your cue sheet and meet the other riders. Club rides are a good way to improve your fitness and riding skills.

    The 2025 ride schedule, from March 15 to October 31, will have almost 300 rides!

    There are short and long mileage options every weekend as well as a variety of weekday and evening rides.

  • Weather

  • Strava and Wheeling Wheelmen

    You have to be an active Wheeling Wheelmen member in order to access the Wheeling Wheelmen Strava group.
  • Meetup

    The Wheeling Wheelmen has an active Meetup group that is used to post various rides throughout the year. More information about scheduled rides can be found by clicking on the link below.

  • Bakery Ride Every 1st Tuesday at 9:00 am

  • Register On-Line Using PayPal for the 2025 Season

    Membership Registration or Renewal is now available for 2025.

    Membership Fee: Single - $25, Family - $30

    You have the choice of paper or on-line registration. When using the on-line registration, you can either use your PayPal account or any of the following Credit Cards:

  • 2025 St. Patrick's Day Ride Follow-Up

    The Wheeling Wheelmen would like to thank all riders and numerous volunteers for a cold and snowy St. Patrick's Day ride. Despite the weather 25 riders ventured out and all made it back safely! The picture above shows how bad it was.
  • Groups.io

    The Wheeling Wheelmen Bicycle Club has an active Groups.io available on the Internet. The group works like a bulletin board and allows us to exchange emails with other club members without having to know everyone's individual email address. You must subscribe to the group - and be approved by our moderator - before you can send or receive messages. Follow the instructions required by Groups.io to complete your registration.

    NOTE: Due to spam and email address hijacking concerns, subscription to the Wheelmen Group is limited to current members of the Wheeling Wheelmen Bicycle Club only. If you have questions about club membership, rides or events, please send an email to:

  • Contact Us

    We can be contacted by email at:

    or by mail to:

    Wheeling Wheelmen Bicycle Club
    P.O. Box 7304
    Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-7304


  • Wheeling Wheelmen on Facebook

Page Updated On 3/24/2025 7:12:15 AM